Maandelijks archief: december 2010

New Consciousness

The Zeitgeist Movement

Liberale hypocrisie

De Gentse liberale studenten stemden zonder enig aarzelen voor de erkenning van extreem-rechts aan de universiteit. Een meer gekende voorganger van de huidige generatie liberale studenten, Mathias De Clerq, scheef op 1 december een uitgebreide boekbespreking in De Morgen over het boek “De eeuwige terugkeer van het fascisme” van Rob Riemen. Daarin beaamt De Clerq: Het is opmerkelijk hoe braaf en behoedzaam zowel politici als intellectuelen in Nederland, maar ook in Vlaanderen, de opgang van de populisten ondergaan. Had hij het over zijn liberale opvolgers in het Gentse PFK?

Geschreven door Blog Actief Linkse Studenten, maandag, 20 december 2010 11:53


The Dead Sea Scrolls

The Dead Sea Scrolls

“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you.
If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you;”
The Gnostic Christ, The Dead Sea Scrolls

The society’s cycle of fear

“Mankind is caught in the cycle of fear, apathy and hatred. These human instincts drive hierarchical political systems and bureaucracies that most often limit the basic human right of the pursuit of happiness. A society whose foundation is fear apathy and hatred sets up a system which fundamentally affects the happiness of the individual. It represses individual development and maintains a cyclical behavioral pattern of superiority and inferiority and a class society founded on untrue ideals.”

Mark Zimmerman


Humanity 4.0


Sustainisme: We think … We Create

Een nieuwe kijk op SAMEN-LEVEN … Durf buiten de lijntjes te denken EN te handelen …

Klaar voor een nieuw paradigma?

Een ontwikkeling die leidt tot een dramatisch ander beeld van hoe de werkelijkheid in elkaar zit.

Vaak ontstaat bij zo’n ontwikkeling een grote tegenstelling tussen de voor- en tegenstanders. Deze ontwikkeling wordt doorgaans afgedwongen doordat zich in de werkelijkheid met groeiende incidentie verschijnselen voordoen, die niet langer vanuit het oude paradigma kunnen worden verklaard, daarmee niet zelden zelfs in volledige tegenspraak lijken te zijn. Meestal blijkt pas achteraf, wanneer de aanhangers van het oude, al te beperkt gebleken wereldbeeld hun invloed en macht hebben verloren, dat er sprake was van een echte revolutie.

vb. Heelal en wereldbeeld: op grond van de theorie van Nikolaus Copernicus kwam Galileo Galilei, gesteund door eigen waarnemingen van de schijngestalten vanVenus tot de conclusie dat de zon in het midden van ons “zonnestelsel” staat. Hiermee werd het geocentrische wereldbeeld verworpen en begon de modernekosmologie en astronomie (tegenover de astrologie!). Voetnoot: Galilei werd hiervoor door de katholieke kerk, die nog een paar eeuwen het ptolemeïschewereldbeeld is blijven verdedigen, veroordeeld tot levenslang huisarrest.


The Revolution of Minds

Love or Fear?

Van een op Geld gebaseerde economie naar een op beschikbare levensbronnen gebaseerde economie

Love and Fear, a true story


by Julez Edward

This diagram is one of the cornerstones in this Universe. By understanding this and applying this in your life you will become a happier and more (self)loving person. It worked at least for me!

This is the time of a choosing. A choice we all will have to make sooner or later. Every day a see people making the choice, sometimes even without their knowing.

I also see many people panicking and being fearful about the times we live in. I often wonder if there is no way to help these people.

From Self-Lie to Self-Love
But people do not want to be helped if they can’t see the challenge. From what I’ve learnt during the little time I spent here on this tiny blue planet, is that one of the biggest issues we need to overcome is not global warming or overpopulation, but the way each and everyone of us lies to ourselves.

There’s no diplomatic way to put this, there’s probably no way to write the truth I’m writing without probably insulting 9 out of 10 people reading this. The bottomline is most of us lie to ourselves just to make the ego feel okay.

In my life I had the honor to meet many old and wise people. Each and everyone had a similar story. During their life they struggled to get rid of their ego and to learn to love themselves. I believe that if we can achieve this level of ego-relativism and self-love, we’re are helping to manifest a better world and more prepared to face the challenges related to the 2012-shift.

A little piece of paper in your pocket can hold the key to happiness and strength A little piece of paper in your pocket can hold the key to happiness and strength

The difference
As you can see there is a vast difference between the Love and Fear vibration. Please let it be clear that neither of these vibrations are wrong, good, bad, evil, etc.. In the Universe this duality does not exist. My sole goal is to explain the differences between them, so you can understand when you encounter the one or the other and so you can learn how to manifest the one you really want.

The Illusionary fear
One of the key concepts that triggered me into becoming conscious about this concept is that fear does not exist. It is the name we started to give the state in which someone has a complete lack of love. As an analogy: when a house falls without electricity doesn’t mean it has nelectricity. Naming a state of matter doesn’t make it exist. Fear is thus an illusion we believe to be real.

The remedy
You can pay a psychiatrist €500 and he/she still won’t tell you these 4 magical words – in the right order:

Love everything you fear.

That’s because fear (and pills) sells and love’s for free. So here you go, for free, because typing this is really no effort. The effort needs to be done by you.


Adventures of a Speck Dust

The Zeitgeist Movement – Social Change

Fluid social change can only materialize if two circumstances are met. One, the human value system, which consists of our understandings and beliefs, must be updated and changed through education and thoughtful introspection. Two, the environment surrounding that value system must change to support the new world view. The interaction between a person’s value system and their environment is what influences human behavior. For example, in our culture, “ethics” is really is a matter of degree, for our social system promotes and rewards competition and self-interest. This perspective doesn’t just “lead” to aberrant behavior… it creates it directly. Corruption is the norm in our society and most people do not see this, for since the society supports this behavior, it is considered right and normal… or as a matter of degree. Given this understanding, there is a fallacy that has emerged where certain groups are deemed “corrupt” and everyone else is “good”. This is the age old “us and them” world view which has no basis empirically, for it is, again, all a matter of degree. For example, there is a large movement of people who constantly talk about “The New World Order” and this notion that there is an elite group of people who have been trying to take over the world for a long time and have manipulated society in various ways to further their goals. This, of course, is true to a certain extent. BUT, the failure of awareness is that this “group” is not a group at all. It is a tendency. If you took out all the people at the top who are engaged in global hegemonic rule, it would simply be a matter of time before another group stepped in to seek the same ambition. Therefore, it isn’t the individual people or groups that are the problem. It is actually the conditions upon which those people have been accustomed and indoctrinated by. Of course, many argue against this view with the escapist notion that it is “human nature” that causes this competition and need for dominance. This is unsupported by the facts. In reality, we are nearly clean slates when we are born and it is our environment that shapes who we are and how we behave. Therefore, in order for TRUE change to occur, we must spend less time battling the products of this sick social structure and more time trying to change the root causes. As difficult and daunting as it may be to think this way, it is the only way our world will change for the better. We can continue to stomp on the ants coming out from under the refrigerator, but until we remove the spoiled food behind it, they are just going to keep coming.